Commentary on the book of jonah pdf

Many critics however want to lower the book of jonah to an allegory, a parable or a legend because of the miracles described in it especially the appearing of the great fish devouring jonah. Jonah is perhaps one of the least understood books of the bible, with most people unable to get by the whale actually, dag gadol, or great fish. Apocalypse explained ae 538 11 particulars in the book of jonah are historical, and yet prophetical, involving and representing such arcana, as do all the other historicals of the word. Read jonah commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. He quotes his father in his commentary to the book of jonah. It seems to argue against this possibility by relating the story in the third person rather than in the first. The book of jonah preface those of you who are familiar with the story of jonah and the whale know that jonah hopped a ship heading in the opposite direction when god commanded him to go preach to the ninevites. The book of genesis those who gave the name genesis to the first book of the bible were the translators of the pentateuch. The insights tom has gained from memorizing the entire book of jonah and the great contributions they offer to bible students.

David kimchi was an important scholar of hebrew grammar and wrote michlol, an early comprehensive study of it. Jonah chapter 1 coffmans commentary of the new testament. Their wickedness, as that of nineveh, is a bold and open affront to god. Jonah commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Study the bible online using commentary on jonah and more. Although the author of jonah is never identified in the book itself, jonah himself has traditionally been identified as the author. Jonah certainly ought not to have slept so soundly, but that he might rouse himself at almost any moment, for he carried in his heart his own executioner, as he knew that he was a fugitive. The purpose of the book of jonah is to show gods people that his plan is exceedingly compassionate god is gracious and exceedingly certain god is sovereign. When we left jonah at the end of chapter one it is fair to say he was in a slightly sticky situation. As the reader focuses in on gods attributes in the book of jonah, the short narrative is seen for what it truly is. The book is anonymous, and there are no indicators elsewhere in scripture to identify the author. This book of jonah, though it be placed here in the midst of the prophetical books of scripture, is yet rather a history than a prophecy.

The witness of jonah max reich the messianic hope of israel. One could describe kimchis commentary as psychological. The lord had given a specific great fish a new task swallow jonah. The word of the lord came to jonah and jonah refused. In this way, the book of jonah reveals the attributes of god as the lord brings his salvation to a sinful and rebellious people.

The events recorded in the book probably covered only a few months or years at the most. Outline of the book of jonah one popular outline of jonah, which could be used in a sermon series, is. An easyenglish 2800 word vocabulary commentary on the book of jonah. My reading of jonah presupposes an artistic author, or editor, as composer of the book of jonah in its final form. Jonah was the son of amittai, of gathhepher in zebulun called gittahhepher in jos 19. Jonah 1 commentary john calvins commentaries on the bible. Verse 1 now the word of jehovah came unto jonah the son of amittai, saying, now enemies of this book do not hesitate to take the ax to the very first word in it, affirming that, jonah is a fragment, the continuation of a larger work. Extensive verse by verse explanation, illumination and clarification of this prophetic book seen though the lens of middle east culture and the ancient near east. The bible knowledge commentary adds some thoughts here. The title of the book is the name of the main character, jonah. This did not mean, however, that jonah remained the same. Click download or read online button to commentaryonthebookofjonah book pdf for free now.

Top 5 commentaries on the book of jonah ligonier ministries. He is cast into the sea, and miraculously preserved. The most significant statement in the book of jonah is in the second chapter. Jonah was teachable up to a point, but when god told him of his plan for him to go to a wicked gentile nation, then jonah s. The ancient hebrews called the book by its opening words, in the beginning. The pursuit and arrest of him for that disobedience by a storm, in which he was asleep v. However, the book nowhere claims that jonah was its writer. The book contains fascination interaction between men and god, which sasson brings out well. As i have before observed, jonah seems here indirectly to intimate, 9 that he had been previously called to the office of a teacher.

The purpose of the book of jonah was to encourage all gods people to extend mercy to the nations of the world, something they were not at all inclined to do. Jonah 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. This commentary has been through advanced theological checking. The prophetic significance of this book not only lies in the short message in nineveh but also in the entire history of jonah described in his book. This reminds us of the humble spirit which jonah must have had when god first called him. All of nature obeys god in this book but a prophet of god does not.

The disobedience of the prophet jonahs missionary call. Concern for the salvation of all people, including ones enemies, is the proper attitude for people of god. The word of god then was not for the first time communicated to jonah, when he was sent to nineveh. For more on these sources and the extent to which tan. God sent jonah to preach to nineveh, the capital city of israels prime enemy, assyria. You will also remember how god provided jonah with a living submarine to get him back where he belonged. Jonah did not want to go on this mission and attempted to flee to tarshish in spain.

Commentary on the book of jonah jonah 1 1the word of the lord came to jonah the son of amittai saying, 2arise, go to nineveh the great city and cry against it, for their wickedness has come up before me. F2 but, of course, such criticisms are apparently founded in ignorance of the truth that, this is a common formulary linking together revelations and histories. The book of jonah relates how god told jonah to go to the major assyrian city of nineveh and there prophecy that after 40 days it would be overturned. Ac 1188 2 but then we find a startling, thoughtprovoking passage in. Some of the key truths to emerge from this book are that god calls his people to seek the repentance of the nations. Spurgeons bible commentaries commentary on the song of solomon spurgeon commentary series holman old testament commentary hosea, joel, amos, obadiah, jonah, micah spurgeons sermon notes. Jan 31, 2017 the insights tom has gained from memorizing the entire book of jonah and the great contributions they offer to bible students. A word list at the end explains words with a star by them. The foundational source for the book was likely jonahs own telling of the story after his return from nineveh. Specifically, i will explore how the book of jonah may be read as a type of folktale depicting a failed rite of passage and suggest why that reading is appropriate for the worldview of its authors and audience. Eli and abraham ibn ezra in their commentaries to jonah.

Gods ministry to jonah chapter 4 the bible exposition commentary, cook communications, colorado springs, 2002, p. This meant according to the understanding of jonah that nineveh would be destroyed. Date since jonah prophesied during the reign of jeroboam ii 782753. Passing over the brief prophecy of obadiah, with its veiled reference to the messiah in saviours who will go up on mount zion, under the leadership of the jehovahsaviour, for the kingdom shall be the lords obadiah 1. By dissertation submitted to the faculty of the in partial. The discovery of him, and his disobedience, to be the cause of the storm v. Jonah with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Jonah lived during jeroboam iis reign over the northern kingdom of israel 793753 b. It is the custom in some communities to ask a stranger to offer a commentarycalled a. He was gods instrument to carry out gods will on earth. Pdf commentary on the book of jonah samuel amirtharaj. We read nowhere in the book that jonah confessed his sin and received a new heart.

Jonahs prophecy about israels boundaries being extended may indicate that he made that prophecy early in jeroboams reign. Ac 1188 2 but then we find a startling, thoughtprovoking passage in the work called spiritual. He examines jonahs inner process, telling us what jonah must have. Commentary on the book of jonah relevant bible teaching.

Jonah is a book which shows the reader how god is deeply. The book of jonah is particularly interesting because, within the confines of a. The title of the studysalvation belongs to the lordcomes directly from jonah 2. The books chief concern, however, is not with physical origins, but with the relationship god desires to have with. Over 250 sermons including notes, commentary and illustrations according to promise. The literary devices used and the artistic structure of the story attest to the correctness of this presupposition. God delights in showing mercy to repentant gentiles. When he was in trouble, under the tokens of gods displeasure against him for sin. But who then wrote the book and where do those intimate details of the story come from. And one of the synagogue readings for yom kippur is the book of jonah in hebrew, sefer yonah. Commentaryonthebookofjonah download commentaryonthebookofjonah ebook pdf or read online books in pdf, epub, and mobi format. Running from god chapter 1 running to god chapter 2 running with god chapter 3 running ahead of god chapter 4. Download pdf commentaryonthebookofjonah free online.

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